The Next Generation of TouchMD Consent Forms is Available Now!

Select the image above to watch a short video demonstrating the new consent form tools in this update. Changes include:

  • Staff “Select One (on assign)” picker
    Allows a staff member to select a value from a list to prefill the consent while assigning it to a patient. For example: Create a “Select One (on assign)” picker with a list of your Doctors or Aestheticians so your staff can select the person performing the procedure. This can eliminate the need to have multiple consents forms for each Doctor or Aesthetician.
  • Staff “Text Box (on assign)”
    Allows a staff member to prefill free-form text in the consent while assigning it to a patient. For example: Create a Procedure and/or Treatment Area “Text Box (on assign)” so your staff can describe the procedure being performed and/or areas being treated. This can help consolidate multiple similar consents into one.
  • Patient “Select One” picker
    Allows a patient to select a value from a list during review of the assigned consent prior to signing. This requires a response from your patient. For example: Create a “Select One” picker with smoking options… Non-smoker, Smoker, Quit smoking more than 6 weeks ago. This will require the patient to select their smoking history prior to signing and completing the consent
  • Patient “Text Box”
    Allows a patient to enter free form text into the consent form during review of the assigned consent prior to signing. This requires a response from your patient. For example: Create an Allergies “Text Box”. This will require the patient to list their allergies prior to signing and completing the consent. If they have no allergies, typing None, N/A or a space will satisfy the entry requirement.

We’ve also categorized all the tools on the consent form editor for a new clean and organized look. Click here for a video tutorial on how to create and manage your consents forms using the TouchMD Dashboard.


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