Adding An Article Learn how to create an Article Section Layout Article Information: Use: To describe a procedure or product, give instructions, or...
Adding A Gallery Gallery Information: Use: To display a collection of single images such as medical illustrations or before and after images that...
Adding A Grouped Gallery (Before and Afters) Learn how to use and create a Grouped Gallery Section Layout. Grouped Gallery Information: Use: To display a collection...
Adding Images From an Existing Before & After Gallery to a Different Gallery At times, it may be needed to copy an image(s) from one Grouped Gallery or Gallery to another. This article...
Adding A Spotlight Gallery Learn how to use and create a Spotlight Gallery Section Layout Spotlight Gallery Information: Use: To highlight one important...
Adding A Block Learn how to use and create a Block Section Layout Block Information: Use: To display groups of similar images...
Adding A Detailed Block Learn how to use and create a Detailed Block Section Layout Detailed Block Information: Use: To display groups of...
Adding A Detailed Thumbnail Learn how to use and create a Detailed Thumbnail Section Layout Detailed Thumbnail Information: Use: To display groups of...
Adding A Poster (Landscape or Portrait) Learn how to use and create a Poster (Landscape or Portrait) Section Layout Poster (Landscape or Portrait) Information: Use:...
Adding a Billboard Learn how to use and create a Billboard Section Layout Billboard Information: Use: To highlight a specific image of any...