(Optional) ASPS Informed Consents for Plastic Surgery

Who can edit/publish consents?

To review/edit/publish consents, log onto dashboard.touchmd.com, select “Legal”, and choose the desired consent. Note: to add and manage consents to TouchMD, the user will need the “Legal” access role. Select the following link to learn how to manage provider and staff access roles: https://help.touchmd.com/topics/adding-staff-accounts-and-setting-staff-security-roles/ 

With more than 70 downloadable consent releases customized for each procedure and doctor in your practice, it’s easier than ever to help your patients understand the risks and benefits of plastic surgery procedures.

TouchMD is pleased to offer ASPS members who have purchased either the 2012, 2016, 2020 ASPS Informed Consent Resources, and/or the 2018 Breast and Body Informed Consent Resources; access to formatted electronic copies in TouchMD Consent Library for use with the electronic consent feature.  Proof of purchase is required to activate the ASPS Informed Consent Resources in your TouchMD consent library.

Previous ASPS Consent Versions

We currently do not offer Spanish consent version, or any ASPS consent versions prior to 2012. We recommend you upgrade to the current version and provide proof of purchase.

Available Features

Please note, that Consents may not be currently available to your practice. To learn how you may enable Consents, please contact your Account Manager.

Purchase Instructions

  1. Log on to the ASPS portal at www.plasticsurgery.org with your ASPS member login
  2. Select the “Shop” page
  3. Under the “Practice Management/Marketing” section, select “Informed Consent Resources”
  4. Purchase the “2020 Customized Informed Consent Resource Download”

Activation Instructions

To activate the ASPS consents in TouchMD, please provide proof of purchase using the following instructions (or email your receipt to [email protected]):

  1. Log on to the ASPS portal at www.plasticsurgery.org with your ASPS member login
  2. Select the “Shop” page
  3. Under the “My Account” section, select “Order History”
  4. Find your “Informed Consent Resource” purchase in the history and select “Order Details”ASPS Order History
  5. On the Order Details page, enter [email protected] into the “Send Email Confirmation” section, and select “Send” ASPS Consent Proof of Purchase
  6. TouchMD support will send a confirmation within 24 hours that the ASPS Informed Consent Resources have been activated in your TouchMD consent library

Adding / Editing the ASPS Consents

Legal Security Access Required

You must have “Legal” security access to add and edit consent documents in your TouchMD presentation.

  1. Log on to the TouchMD dashboard at dashboard.touchmd.com with your TouchMD login
  2. On the dashboard homepage, select the “Legal” option.  If the “Legal” option is not displayed, then you do not have the correct TouchMD security access to add/edit consent forms for your practice.  Please contact a TouchMD administrator in your practice for access.  For more information, please visit the Adding Staff Accounts and Setting Staff Security Roles help page.Dashboard Legal
  3. Import the desired consents from the consent library:
    1. Select “Consent Library”
    2. Select the desired consents to import
    3. Select “Import Selected” Import Consents
  4. Review and modify the imported consent to reflect your practice policies
    ASPS Consent Disclaimer

    These consent forms are for reference purposes only. It is a general guideline and not a statement of standard of care. Rather, this form should be edited and amended to reflect policy requirements of your practice site(s), CMS and Joint Commission requirements, if applicable, and legal requirements of your individual states. The ASPS does not certify that this form, or any modified version of this form, meets the requirements to obtain informed consent for this particular procedure in the jurisdiction of your practice. These informed consents are only samples and are being provided to our customers solely for the purpose of encouraging our customers to discuss the use of such a form with their attorney.

    TouchMD Consent Disclaimer

    TouchMD does not represent or warrant the legal sufficiency or enforceability of these sample consents. Please review and modify to fit your actual practice. By using these consents, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless TouchMD from any and all allegations, claims, actions, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, obligations, settlements, judgments, costs, and expenses which arise out of, relate to or result from any act, use, or misuse of these sample consents.

  5. Update staff action “Doctor” references
      1. For a single doctor practice, replace the “SelectOnAssign” staff action code (example: Dr. {{SelectOnAssign|Select Doctor|Doctor One|Doctor Two}}) with the name of your Doctor (example: Dr. John Smith)
      2. For a multi-doctor practice, update any “SelectOnAssign” staff action code (example: Dr. {{SelectOnAssign|Select Doctor|Doctor One|Doctor Two}}) with names of your doctors (example: Dr. {{SelectOnAssign|Select Doctor|John Smith|Jane Smith|Jack Johnson}})
      3. Select “Save Changes”
    1. When finished reviewing/updating your consent:
      1. Remove the disclaimer text at the beginning of each consent and “Save Changes”
      2. Click the preview button to view and verify all of your consent changes
      3. Publish the consent for use by checking the box labeled “NOT PUBLISHED – Click to make this available for use”.
    Witness/Provider/Medical Director Signatures

    If a witness/provider/medical director approving signature is needed, be sure to review our article on how to add a Reviewer Signature and then how to use it.

    Using the ASPS Consents

    Please review the following help pages to learn how to use your ASPS Consents in TouchMD: