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Control Strip of Reach TeleConsult

Available Features

Please note, that some features listed here may not be currently available to your practice. To learn how you may enable these features, please contact your Account Manager.

iPad ONLY Feature

This feature is currently only available on an Apple iPad

Learn about the Control Strip of the Reach TeleConsult feature. During this video you will learn about the functionality of each button.

Waiting Room

The Waiting Room icon allows a patient that is in the virtual waiting room admittance into the teleconsult or it allows for the patient to be placed the virtual waiting room at any time during the teleconsult.

Why would I place my patient in the virtual waiting room?

The waiting room is a great option for a practice whose staff begins the teleconsult for a provider or for a provider that simply needs to place their teleconsult on pause.

How does it work?

Would you like see it in action? Select here.



The Mic icon allows a user to mute or unmute their mic while in a teleconsult with a patient.


The Camera icon allows a user to turn on or turn off their video feed during a teleconsult with a patient.

Switching Cameras

The Switching Camera icon allows you to switch between the front-facing and back-facing cameras.

Why switch cameras?

The front-facing camera is typically the camera used for video-chatting with a patient during a teleconsult. The back-facing camera allows a user to show what is seen in front of them. For example, you may want to show an implant, a machine, product, a live-demonstration, or anything else desired to be shown. 

Screen Sharing

The Screen Sharing icon allows a user to share their Consult app with a patient.

Why should I share my screen?

Use of this option allows a patient to engage in a valuable, educational, and visual conversation during the consult using the TouchMD technology. For example, draw on an illustration or a patient image or showcase educational material to the patient to help them learn. 

Pro Tip

Navigate to the desired screen FIRST and then share the screen

How does it work?

Would you like see it in action? Select here.



The Expand icon allows the provider to see a full screen version of their video feed along with the patient’s video feed

End Session

The End icon allows the user to end the teleconsult

“Toast” Message

A Toast Message is a message that populates each time an option on the Control Strip is selected.


Updated on April 23, 2021

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