Learn about the different areas of Blast and what each tab allows you to do. This video briefly covers the functionality of each tab. Separate videos are available to show you what can be done in each area in more detail.
The Overview tab allows you to view an overview of your Blast such as your upcoming scheduled Blasts, available templates, and your Collection. Get a quick glance at Blast through this tab.
Collection is an area that showcases the Blasts you have created and sent in the past. In this area, you are able to view the details of a Blast, the analytics associated with a specific Blast and/or Duplicate a Blast to use it again in the future. Want to learn more about Collection area in detail, select here.
Schedule is a collection of your scheduled Blasts. Here you may edit and cancel, and/or delete an upcoming Blast. Want to learn more about Schedule area in detail, select here.
Create a Blast:
Create a Blast is an area where you may create custom Blasts to send to your patients. Want to learn more how to create a Blast in detail, select here.
Groups is an area that allows you to organize your patients into specific audiences to direct your Blast to specific patient groups. Here you may add groups, edit groups, and download CSV files of each group. Want to learn more about how to create a Group, edit a Group, etc… in detail, select here.
Templates is a group of free templates expertly crafted for your practice to use to quickly create Blasts to send to your patients. Want to learn more about the Template area in detail, select here.