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Filters & Reports of Consents

Available Features

Please note, that Consents may not be currently available to your practice. To learn how you may enable Consents, please contact your Account Manager.

Learn about the filters and reports of the Consent tab on the Dashboard app.

How do I install the TouchMD Dashboard app?

To install the TouchMD Dashboard app, see this link.

Via the Assigned Tab:

In the Assigned tab you may view all consents according to their current status. Status include: “Assigned”, “Review”, “Completed”, “Declined”

  1. Open the Dashboard app
  2. Select “Assigned”
  3. Tap the desired tab

*User the search bar to find a specific patient


Assigned are all consent that are currently assigned to a patient and have yet been completed by the patient


Review are all consents that contain a Reviewer Signature option and is currently pending approval by the reviewer


Completed are all consents that have been entirely completed


Declined are consents that have been declined by the patient. Please note that consents that have been “declined” do not indicate that the patient is declining the surgery/service, but rather would like to sign a paper copy

Via the Templates Tab:

In the Templates tab you may view all consents according to their current status. Status include: “Assigned”, “Review”, “Completed”, “Declined”

  1. Open the Dashboard app
  2. Select “Templates”
  3. Tap the desired template
  4. Tap the desired tab

*User the search bar to find a specific patient


Assigned are all consent that are currently assigned to a patient and have yet been completed by the patient


Review are all consents that contain a Reviewer Signature option and is currently pending approval by the reviewer


Completed are all consents that have been entirely completed


Declined are consents that have been declined by the patient. Please note that consents that have been “declined” do not indicate that the patient is declining the surgery/service, but rather would like to sign a paper copy

Updated on January 6, 2022

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