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  4. Updating a Regular Signature for a Reviewer Signature

Updating a Regular Signature for a Reviewer Signature

Available Features

Please note, that Consents may not be currently available to your practice. To learn how you may enable Consents, please contact your Account Manager.

Who can edit/publish consents?

To review/edit/publish consents, log onto dashboard.touchmd.com, select “Legal”, and choose the desired consent. Note: to add and manage consents to TouchMD, the user will need the “Legal” access role. Select the following link to learn how to manage provider and staff access roles: https://help.touchmd.com/topics/adding-staff-accounts-and-setting-staff-security-roles/ 

A Reviewer Signature allows for a staff member, provider, medical director to add their signature to a consent at a later time. This may be used by a medical director, provider, or staff member that needs to review the consent and add their signature at a separate time from the time that a patient signs the consent form. The staff member, provider, medical director will use the TouchMD Consult or TouchMD Dashboard apps to review and sign the consent. It may be necessary to alter previously composed consents that contain a regular signature action to a Reviewer Signature action. Here is a tip to help you make it happen smoothly. 

How can I assign, review & complete a Reviewer Signature

Consent equipped with a “Reviewer Signature” may be assigned by the TouchMD Dashboard website or the TouchMD Consult app and reviewed and completed via the TouchMD Consult or TouchMD Dashboard apps.

  1. Go to dashboard.touchmd.com
  2. Enter your TouchMD username and password, select “Sign In”
  3. Select “Legal”
  4. Select the desired consent
  5. Locate the regular signature action ([Signature]) you wish to replace with a Reviewer Signature action ([ReviewerSignature]) place your cursor next to or on [Signature] in the consent and select “Reviewer Signature” under Staff Actions.
  6. Select “Save Changes”
Updated on October 13, 2021

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